CITYLAB SEMINARS FALL 2015About the CityLab Seminars The livability of cities is emerging as a key determinant human health, the earth’s ecosystem, and global economic growth and productivity. Baltimore is one of 100 US cities that generate over 75% of the GDP -- where most of America’s people and wealth are concentrated. What kind of urban future do we want for ourselves and the next generation? CityLab Seminars explore key livable city themes. Theme readings and resources are available on line and you are encouraged to participate by using your own social media platforms to share resources, ideas, and strategies about these themes. For more information contact: Lindsay Thompson: [email protected] Join the conversation about livable cities -- |
The Livable City Challenge Katz, Metro Revolution Brookings, Metro Policy McKinsey Urban World Charter for New Urbanism The Social Enterprise Solution Hartigan, Social Entrepreneurship Theory of Change Fostering Urban Habitat Integrity Placemaking; Smart Growth America Duany, Smart Growth Manual Fostering Cities for People Deneulin, Human Development Capabilities Marmot, Social Determinants of Health Fostering Human Connections Jackson, Cultural Vitality Kingsley, Community Building Fostering Engaged Citizenship Civic engagement Democracy Collaborative Fostering Shared Wealth Creation Initiative for Competitive Inner Cities Anchor Institutions Impact investing |